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Thursday, 15 December, 2022 - 08:00 to 20:00 Paris time


Novotel Paris les Halles, PARIS, FRANCE

Presentation image

After two years on-line, the Paris December Finance Meeting will hold its 20th edition in-person in downtown Paris (Novotel Paris Les Halles) on December 15, 2022
The conference is organized by the European Financial Data Institute (EUROFIDAI) and ESSEC Business School and jointly sponsored by Amundi / Ardian / PLADIFES / CDC Institute for Economic Research / CERESSEC / Chaire Fintech (Paris Dauphine) / «Regulation and
Systemic Risk» ACPR Chair.
All researchers are invited to present in English their latest research
in all areas of finance. Job market and PhD papers are welcomed.

In recent years, the conference has become very selective with one in six submitted papers accepted. The Paris December Finance Meeting is considered among the top 2 European conferences in terms of selectivity and quality of the papers presented. 

Prizes will be awarded for the Best Conference Paper and for the Best Paper using EUROFIDAI (Daily and HIgh Frequency) data. 


  • Submission deadline: June 3, 2022
  • Notice of acceptance: early September, 2022
  • Online Program: October, 2022
  • Registration deadline for accepted authors: September 15, 2022
  • Registreation deadline for other participants: December 8, 2022


In 2021, the submissions were received from:

The U.S (133), The U.K. (60), Germany (57), France (47), Canada (31), Switzerland (23), the Netherlands (22), China (19), Hong-Kong (17), Austria (14), Italy (11), Norway (8), Denmark (8), Brazil (4), Portugal (4), Sweden (4), Singapore (3), Israel (3), Luxembourg (3), Belgium (2), Finland (2), Russian Federation (2), Japan (1),Chile (1), Mexico (1), Turkey (1), Kazakhstan (1), Liechtenstein (1), Czech Republic (1), Spain (1).

Our sponsors

regulation et risques systemiques Amundi

Co-Presidents of the Scientific committee 

  • Patrice Fontaine - EUROFIDAI, CNRS
  • Jocelyn Martel - ESSEC Business School

2021 Scientific committee 

  • Yacine Ait-Sahalia - Princeton University
  • Nihat Aktas - WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
  • Hervé Alexandre - Université Paris Dauphine
  • Charles-Olivier Amédée-Manesme - Université de Laval à Québec
  • Patrick Augustin - McGill University
  • Laurent Bach - ESSEC Business School
  • Anne Balter - Tilburg University
  • Romain Boulland - ESSEC Business School
  • Marie Brière - Amundi, Université Paris Dauphine, Université Libre de Bruxelles
  • Marie-Hélène Broihanne - Université de Strasbourg
  • Catherine Casamatta - TSE & IEA, Université de Toulouse 1 Capitole
  • Georgy Chabakauri - London School of Economics
  • Jean-Edouard Colliard - HEC Paris
  • Pierre Collin-Dufresne - EPFL
  • Ian Cooper - London Business School
  • Ettore Croci - Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
  • Serge Darolles - University Paris-Dauphine
  • Matt Darst - Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
  • Eric de Bodt - Université de Lille
  • François Degeorge - University of Lugano
  • Olivier Dessaint - INSEAD
  • Alberta Di Giuli - ESCP Europe
  • Christian Dorion - HEC Montréal
  • Mathias Efing - HEC Paris
  • Ruediger Fahlenbrach - EPFL & SFI
  • Felix Fattinger - WU Vienna University of Economic and Business
  • Patrice Fontaine - EUROFIDAI - CNRS
  • Pascal François - HEC Montréal
  • Andras Fulop - ESSEC Business School
  • Jean-François Gajewski - IAE Lyon
  • Edith Ginglinger - Université Paris-Dauphine
  • Peter Gruber - University of Lugano
  • Alex Guembel - Toulouse School of Economics
  • Harald Hau - University of Geneva - Swiss Finance Institute
  • Georges Hübner - HEC Liège
  • Julien Hugonnier - EPFL
  • Heiko Jacobs - University of Duisburg-Essen
  • Sonia Jimenez - Grenoble INP
  • Alexandros Kostakis - University of Liverpool
  • Hugues Langlois - HEC Paris
  • Olivier Lecourtois - EM Lyon
  • Jongsub Lee - Seoul National University
  • Laurence Lescourret - ESSEC Business School
  • Abraham Lioui - EDHEC
  • Elisa Luciano - Collegio Carlo Alberto
  • Yannick Malevergne - Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Assas
  • Roberto Marfé - Collegio Carlo Alberto
  • Jocelyn Martel - ESSEC Business School
  • Maxime Merli - Université de Strasbourg
  • Sophie Moinas - Toulouse School of Economics
  • Lorenzo Naranjo - University of Miami
  • Lars Norden - EBAPE/FVG
  • Clemens Otto - Singapore Management University
  • Loriana Pelizzon - Goethe University
  • Fabricio Perez - Wilfrid Laurier University
  • Christophe Pérignon - HEC Paris
  • Joël Petey - Université de Strasbourg
  • Ludovic Phalippou - Oxford University
  • Alberto Plazzi - University of Lugano & SFI
  • Sébastien Pouget - Toulouse School of Economics
  • Sofia Ramos - ESSEC Business School
  • Jean-Paul Renne - HEC Lausanne
  • Tristan Roger - ICN 
  • Jeroen Rombouts - ESSEC Business School
  • Guillaume Rousselet - McGill University
  • Julien Sauvagnat - Bocconi University
  • Olivier Scaillet - University of Geneva & SFI
  • Mark Seasholes - Arizona University
  • Paolo Sodini - Stockholm School of Economics
  • Christophe Spaenjers - HEC Paris
  • Ariane Szafarz - Université Libre de Bruxelles
  • Roméo Tédongap - ESSEC Business School
  • Erik Theissen - University of Mannheim
  • Michael Troege - ESCP Europe
  • Boris Vallée - Harvard Business School
  • Philip Valta - University of Bern
  • Guillaume Vuillemey - HEC Paris
  • Ryan Williams - Oxera
  • Rafal Wojakowski - Surrey Business School
  • Alminas Zaldokas - HKUST
  • Olivier-David Zerbib - Boston University
  • Marius Zoican - University of Toronto



After two years on-line, the Paris December Finance Meeting will hold its 20th edition in-person in downtown Paris (Novotel Paris Les Halles) on December 15, 2022
The conference is organized by the European Financial Data Institute (EUROFIDAI) and ESSEC Business School and jointly sponsored by Amundi / Ardian / PLADIFES / CDC Institute for Economic Research / CERESSEC / Chaire Fintech (Paris Dauphine) / «Regulation and Systemic Risk» ACPR Chair.
All researchers are invited to present in English their latest research in all areas of finance. Job market and PhD papers are welcomed.

In recent years, the conference has become very selective with one in six submitted papers accepted. The Paris December Finance Meeting is considered among the top 2 European conferences in terms of selectivity and quality of the papers presented. 

Prizes will be awarded for the Best Conference Paper and for the Best Paper using EUROFIDAI (Daily and HIgh Frequency) data.


  • Submission deadline: June 3, 2022
  • Notice of acceptance: early September, 2022
  • Online Program: October, 2022
  • Registration deadline for accepted authors: September 15, 2022
  • Registreation deadline for other participants: December 8, 2022

Submission process

Only on-line submissions will be considered for the 2022 Paris December Finance Meeting. Before filling the application form, authors should read the following instructions.

Prepare 2 files in pdf format: 

  • An anonymous version of the paper (the complete paper without the name(s) of the author(s), the acknowledgements and any indication of author’s affiliation) 
  • A complete version of the paper including the following information: title, name(s) of the author(s), abstract, keywords, email address for each author, complete address(es)
  • The abstract you will fill in the submission form should not exceed 150 words.
  • To complete your submission, you will be asked to classify your paper using 3 keywords. The keywords will determine the field in which your paper will be refereed by the scientific committee. 
  • One author can submit multiple papers (whether joint or single-authored) for the conference but he cannot have more than one paper accepted.

Submission fees

The submission fee for each paper is 45€. The submission fee is non-refundable. Submitting authors will receive a receipt following completion of the submission process. Otherwise, please contact the Organizing Committee via our contact form.

Paper diffusion

Accepted papers will be posted on the Financial Economic Network (SSRN) and the website of the conference.

Click on the "Submit your paper" tab to access online submissions.

Submissions will open soon

If held in person, the Paris December 2022 Finance Meeting will take place at the Novotel Paris les Halles hotel in the heart of historical Paris.


Novotel Paris Les Halles Hotel
Place Marguerite de Navarre
75001 PARIS

Special rate for participants

After your registration, if you want to get a special rate at the Novotel Paris les Halles hotel, please contact the organizing committee: conference[at]

(Deadline November 18, 2019)



Metro station: "Châtelet"
Lines 1, 7 and 11: exit "Place Ste Opportune"
Line 4: exit "Rue de la Lingerie"
Line 14: exit "n°10"
RER station: "Châtelet-les-Halles"
Lines A, B and D : exit "Forum des Halles" then follow the exit "Porte Berger"